User Manual of StarGrid

Part I: Abstract and mechanism introduction

1. Abstract

StarGrid is the first decentralized application scene based on the model of wargame deduction. Users in the StarGrid scene can hold a Counter representing their identity, produce, survive and develop in the scene with their own wisdom, and generate certain economic connections with other users.

2. Mechanism introduction

a. Production Mechanics

  • Periods: Obtain Counter (NFT) by staking liquidity and put Counter into the StarGrid for mint.

  • Get Energy (EN) by burning tokens.

  • Getting EN means getting tokens, and the number of EN will be associated with the number of tokens mined.

b. Combat Mechanics

  • By marking other people's planets, you can expand the capacity of the planets you own.

  • By defeating someone else's Counter, you gain a portion of the opponent's unsettled earnings and prepared unburned EN.

c. Alignment Mechanics

  • Increase Driver's conversion rate by trusting allies or being trusted by allies, etc.

  • Alliances can be formed with allies to protect your assets.

Part II: Economic Models

EARTH: EMIT issues tokens on the BSC, the total number of tokens less than 1 trillion. 2,500,000,000 are pre-issued and all of them are used to provide liquidity. The remainder will be produced by the StarGrid scene, with a maximum of 189,432,348 on the first day, and the maximum daily output decreasing thereafter. No ICO.

WATER: The total number of tokens issued by EMIT on the BSC less than 100 million. 1,300,000 tokens are pre-issued and all of them are used to provide liquidity. The remainder will be produced by the StarGrid scene, with a maximum of 98,717 on the first day, and the maximum daily output decreasing thereafter. No ICO.

bLIGHT: bLIGHT is the asset form of LIGHT on the BSC. LIGHT is an asset issued by EMIT on the SERO chain with a pre-issue of 1 million, all of which are used to provide liquidity and airdrop. LIGHT is produced by the Chaos scene, with a maximum daily output of 100,000. LIGHT can be converted to bLIGHT through EMIT cross-chain bridge. No ICO.

bDARK: bDARK is the asset form of DARK on the BSC. DARK is an asset issued by EMIT on the SERO chain with a pre-issue of 100,000, all of which are used to provide liquidity and airdrop. DARK is produced by the Chaos scene, with a maximum daily output of 100,000. DARK can be converted to bDARK through EMIT cross-chain bridge. No ICO.

Tokens Economic Models:

Part 3: Symbols


WATER Planet

EARTH Planet

WATER Counter without role ability

EARTH Counter without role ability

WATER Counter with raider role ability

EARTH Counter with raider role ability




Defense Point

Move Point

Luck Point

Attack Point

Health Point




Hindrance Point against Counter with different attributes

Hindrance Point against Counter with same attribute

Part IV: Glossary

I. Driver, Counter, Planet

1. Driver

Driver is a non-tradable NFT, representing the user's identity and production proficiency. It is a protection for Veterans to prevent Newbies with malicious intent from destroying the balance.

  • Initial capacity: 10

  • Initial conversion rate: 29.9%

  • Upgrade strategy: If the EN(B) obtained from burning tokens per period is greater than the capacity of Driver, then Driver can be upgraded to full capacity.

Each account has only one Driver, which cannot be replaced or traded.

2. Counter

Counter is a tradable NFT, the player's agent in the StarGrid scene. There are currently two types of Counter, WATER Counter and EARTH Counter. Each Counter has some attributes which are permanent and change with the accumulation of Counter energy.

a. Attributes of Counter

  • Main Attributes: Capacity, Conversion Rate, Level

  • Extra Attributes: Move Point, Attack Point, Luck Point

  • Role Attributes: Counter may come with 1 or more Role Attributes when it is born with role ability.

When the Counter level rises by 1 level, the user can enhance a certain extra attribute or a role attribute.

  • Initial Capacity: 10

  • Initial Conversion rate: 29.9%

  • Initial Level: 0

  • Initial Move Point: 1

  • Initial Defense Point: 1

  • Initial Luck Point: 1

b. Period and Counter's BUFF

During Counter's deduction, energy accumulation and production settlement are in periods, and a period is no less than 24 hours.

Counter initializes several states at the beginning of each period based on Counter's current properties, and these states are BUFFs. When the period refreshes, Counter's BUFFs are reset, and the costs consumed, and tokens produced for the period are settled.

A typical BUFF is Health Points, and if Health Point is depleted, Counter automatically performs a retirement operation.

After each BUFF reset, the Health Point is equal to 100.

c. Counter's career

Until Counter reaches level 1, it is a blank Counter, with only Main and Extra attributes. When Counter reaches level 1, Role attributes will be randomly generated. Currently, the only open role is Assault Counter, which has Attack Point, it can attack other Counters around it and consume the Health Point of other Counters.

Upgrade strategy: EN(B) will be converted by Driver to get EN(D), if EN(D) is greater than the capacity of Counter, then Counter can be upgraded to full capacity. In principle, if Driver is upgraded to its full capacity, Counter is also bound to be upgraded to its full capacity.

3. Planet

Planets are not tradable at the beginning, but would be tradable in the future, each planet has a owner, EN(C) can be used to upgrade the planet.

Counter can mark other planets so that it can expand the total capacity of the planets it occupies.

Planets are divided into WATER planets and EARTH planets.

WATER planets can produce WATER tokens and EARTH planets can produce EARTH tokens.

  • Initial capacity: 6.092

  • Initial level: 0

  • Upgrade strategy: EN(D) is converted by Counter to get EN(C), if EN(C) is larger than the capacity of the planet, then the planet can be upgraded to full capacity. In principle, as long as Driver is upgraded to full capacity or Counter is upgraded to full capacity, then the planet will be upgraded to full capacity.

Ⅱ. Owned, marked and trusted

1. Owned

The person who has created the planet will always own the planet.

2. Marked

Counter can move and mark any planet. When a planet is marked by your Counter, you can own 20% of the planet's capacity.

3. Trusted

You can approve other accounts. The approved account can log in directly to the planet you have marked, and at the same time the Driver rate of both your account and the approved account will be increased. You can grant multiple accounts and be approved by multiple accounts. Whether you approve others or you are approved by others, your Driver's rate will be increased.

III. Token Burning and EN

1. Token Burning

If you use WATER Counter to produce in StarGrid, you need to burn both bLIGHT and EARTH tokens; if you use EARTH Counter to produce in StarGrid, you need to burn both bDARK and WATER tokens.

2. EN

After each token are burned, you will get the corresponding EN. If you burn bLIGHT and EARTH at the same time, bLIGHT produces EN and EARTH produces the other EN, the effective EN you can get is the minimum of the two ENs.

  • EN(B): EN obtained by burning tokens

  • EN(D): EN(B) converted by Driver

  • EN(C): EN(D) converted by Counter

  • EN(P): EN(C) converted by Planet

IV. period and Settlement

period: Each period lasts for 24 hours. When the period is over, you can settle the tokens you got in the previous period.

Settlement: After the period ends, you can settle the earnings of the previous period, or you can wait for multiple periods to end and settle them unified.

V. Economic Information

Matching Chart

1. Counter Info: Information of the current Counter

2. Planet Info: Planet related information

  • Type: Indicates the type of the planet

  • Total: Indicates the total capacity of the planet

  • Mine: Indicates the capacity of the planets I own

  • Percent: Indicates the ratio of the capacity of my planets to the total capacity

3. User Info: Information about the user

TM: Indicates the token balance, there are two cases to get the token balance.

  • If you defeat someone's Counter, you can get 10% of the unburned tokens they have prepared.

  • If you defeat someone's Counter, you can get 20% of their unsettled tokens

  • If your Counter is defeated by someone else, 80% of the tokens you have left unburned will become the balance on hold.

  • The tokens on hold can only be burned and cannot be withdrawn

Unsettle: Indicates the number of unsettled tokens, click Withdraw to settle and withdraw the tokens produced after settlement

  • period(last): indicates the last period of settlement

  • period(current): indicates the current period

  • period (end): indicates the end of the period

4. Period Info: information about the period

  • current: indicates the current period

  • last: indicates the last period

  • future: indicates the future periods

  • EN Per Day (EPD): indicates the total number of ENs per day

  • Element Per EN (EPE): indicates the number of tokens that can be obtained for each EN

  • Burned (total): indicates the total number of tokens burned for each token

  • Burned (mine): indicates the number of tokens I'm currently burning

  • percent: indicates the ratio of my burned tokens to the total burned tokens

Part 5: QA

I. How to staking liquidity and get Counter?

1. There are 2 methods to staking liquidity

  • Using LP-Tokens to staking liquidity

  • Using BUSD to staking liquidity

2. Recommended to choose the BUSD method of staking liquidity.

  • Select the type of Counter you want to create

  • Enter the number of Counters you want to create

You can create a single Counter, or you can create multiple Counters in bulk. After a Counter is created, you can view it in the NFT Counter

3. As the price of WATER or EARTH increases, the cost of creating a Counter with the corresponding attribute is also higher

Ⅱ. How to withdraw liquidity?

1. To withdraw the WATER/BUSD liquidity, there are three ways.

  • Burn WATER Counter to withdraw

  • Raise WATER Counter to level 8 to withdraw (only applicable when a single created Counter is retrieved)

  • WATER/BUSD liquidity staking can withdraw after three months

2. Similarly, to withdraw the EARTH/BUSD liquidity.

Ⅲ. How to trade Counter?

Counter can be bought and sold on treasureland and other platforms

IV. How to login Counter?

1. Login in the Star space

When you log into Counter in a blank star, the following actions will be performed automatically.

  • Create a new planet in this star space and become the owner of this planet.

  • Counter logs in to the planet and automatically marks the planet.

  • Pay an additional planet creation fee.

The cost of creating the first planet depends on the tokens consumed to generate 120 EN in the previous period. The same account, starting with the creation of the second planet, is charged at (N+1)x120, with a maximum fee of 1200 EN.

2. Login on the planet you have marked

You can login Counter to any planet you have marked.

3. Login on a planet which approved

If your account has been approved by some planets' markers, then you can log Counter to those planets.

When you select a marked or approved planet, click on it, then click login, select a Counter, enter the number of tokens you want to burn each period, and select a planet you want to upgrade.

If you choose WATER-Counter, you need to burn bLIGHT and EARTH.

If you choose EARTH-Counter, you need to burn bDARK and WATER.

V. How do I calculate the number of tokens to be burned per period?

If you burn too few tokens, you may not get the full amount of revenue, and if you burn too many tokens, you may waste them.

You need to burn two types of tokens and get two different properties of EN each. And the EN(B) you get that you can use to produce is equal to the minimum of these two ENs, not just the sum of both.

So, in principle, when the EN(B) you get by burning tokens is greater than the capacity of Driver, you get the full amount of the current period.

Driver's initial capacity is 10. As the input energy accumulates in each period, its capacity will continue to grow. To make sure you get the full amount, you need an EN(B) of 10 or more at the beginning.

So, you can refer to the EPD and BURNED Total of the previous period and estimate the number of tokens you need to burn in the opposite direction.

VI. How do I calculate the number of tokens I get per period?

EN(B) obtained by burning tokens, after Driver conversion, you get EN(D), EN(D) after Counter conversion, you get EN(C), EN(C) after Planet conversion, you get EN(P), EN(P) x EPE = the number of tokens you have obtained in the current period.

VII. How to exit Counter

There are 2 ways for Counter to exit

1. Active Exit

Click log out, Counter exits the StarGrid and returns to your account. The Counter in your account can be seen in the NFT-Counter-List in the EMIT wallet or in the third-party NFT marketplaces. If the Counter exits, it needs to cool down for 24 hours before logging in again.

2. Defeated Exit

If the Counter’s Health Point goes to 0, indicating that it has been defeated, it must exit also needs to cool down for 24 hours before it can log back in.

Last updated